In the academic year 2024-25, 28345 seats were seen in total to go for 266 MBA colleges. In total, out of these 25,747 were allotted in the course of the final allotment round, leaving 2,598 unfulfilled seats.
According to the results of the final phase seat allotment, a shocking number of 2598 MBA seats have been left over in the Telangana Integrated Common Entrance Test (TG ICET) 2024, which demonstrates the overall disinterest of the students towards availing management programs in Colleges of State.
In the academic year 2024-25, a total of 28,345 seats were available for admissions in 266 MBA colleges. The total number of those completed was met after the final phase of allotment, which comprised 25,747 seats, 2,598 seats remained unoccupied. Oddly enough, seats in the university and constituent colleges also remained unutilized. In 21 colleges, except for 65, every one of the colleges had 1,639 seats distributed out. On the contrary, in 243 private management colleges, the greatest number of vacant seats which were 2,529 vacancies existed. On the other hand, belonging to two private universities, 97.8% of 184 seats were filled up to the extent of 184.
MBA seats vacant in Telangana
The MCA admissions in 89 colleges in the State were no different. There were as many as 871 seats with a majority of 855 seats in the 74 private colleges remained unallocated after the final phase of admission. Also, 16 seats lying in 15 university colleges went unallocated.

As reported by the Technical Education Department, 71647 candidates cleared the threshold for TG ICET 2024 and 39647 candidates had their certificates verified. Out of these, 22153 students exercised web options for the allotment of seats. In total, there were 28345 MBA (Master of Business Administration)seats available in 266 management colleges in the state and 25747 seats were opened up for the web-based counseling participants. 6906 MCA seats were there in 89 colleges, out of which 6095 were allotted. This time 99 colleges had 100 percent seat allotment recorded.
Allotment of seats has been given to the applicants who have to self-report through the official website on or before September 27 and tender the tuition fee, failing which the provisional seating allotment order gets canceled automatically. However, such self-reported candidates have to join the respective college by September 28.